Sometimes it’s hard to open up your journal and begin reflecting. When I first began journaling as a daily practice, it was torture. I didn’t know where to start! Later, I began searching for journal prompts to help me get my thoughts turning and found...
2014 is where it all started. I was in my bedroom scrolling through youtube’s recommended videos at midnight and a video titled, “The Best Speech Ever” by Gary Yourosky caught my attention. The morning after watching the best speech ever I eliminated meat from my...
I’ve created numerous blog posts with the word minimalism in the title because I assumed that whoever was reading the post would already have a grasp on the term. But I was wrong to assume. Many images flash across the mind when the word minimalist...
How to Reclaim Your Time With Digital Minimalism
posted by: aaliyahinspired
December 31, 2019
Technology has become a huge part of our everyday lives, but it seems that this phenomenon is controlling our lives more than it is enhancing them. People spend precious hours in front of a television or scrolling through highlight reels on social sites. So… how...
Have you ever had the thought of a life with no shopping? No new clothes, gadgets, or seasonal decor? Shopping has become so ingrained in our lives that the idea of not shopping for new possessions seems daunting, but what if I told you that...
It’s Hygge season baby! If this is your first time hearing this danish term, have you been living under a rock? Hygge (hyoo · guh) is a term that the Danes use to describe a specific feeling of constant coziness, peace, and comfort. You know...
The 5 A.M. Club: 15 Things To Do To Kick Start a Productive Day
posted by: aaliyahinspired
September 3, 2019
I’m a huge advocate for waking up early in the morning, but I know when I first started waking up early; I had no idea what to fill all that time with. Even though every one’s morning will look different, I have a list of...
I Went Vegan When I Was 14-Years-Old, Here’s Why
posted by: aaliyahinspired
July 23, 2019
Every story is different behind why a person decided to make a lifestyle change and go vegan. It usually ranges from health to animal cruelty to environmental issues and so on. After being vegan for four years now, I still get the question on why...
What Belize Taught me About Simple Living
posted by: aaliyahinspired
July 17, 2019
It was 6 a.m. and I was sitting on a rustic, white boat riding the waves to Belize. The ocean spritz gently soothing my warm face as I gazed at the endless scenery of deep, blue waves. I couldn’t help but live in this beautiful...
Vegan Substitutes That Will Change Your Life
posted by: aaliyahinspired
July 15, 2019
Being vegan nowadays is easier than any other generation before. Any animal based product you can think of probably already has a vegan approved substitute and can easily be found on the shelves of your local supermarket or Walmart. After four years of trial and...